

Everest Stone Articles

Articles from the Everest Stone web site. Featuring news, information and pictures of granite.

Economic Proof : Slab vs. Bundle Buying

Economic Proof : Slab vs. Bundle Buying

With the laws of Economics, I will prove in this article, once and for all, that buying by the Bundle is mathematically better than buying by the slab. In order to come to this conclusion we need to compare the 15%-25% savings, to the capital needed to stock slabs. If the increased profit produces a higher return than the cost of capital, then stocking bundles is a better business decision than buying slabs as needed. Buying by the Bundle (wholesale) as opposed to by the slab as needed, is on the conservative end 15% cheaper. Make sure to include deliveries in the math, as moving larger amounts of slabs is cheaper than transporting 1 or 2 slabs.